
chauncey billups中文是什么意思

  • 转至活塞队,比卢普斯



  • 例句与用法
  • Chauncey billups was held up as the model
  • Detroit ' s chauncey billups said : " if you have it going , you ' re supposed to keep it going . . . . unbelievable .
    比卢普斯说: “如果你拥有如此的得分能力,你就应该被支持继续得分. . .难以置信” 。
  • Among these pistons , chauncey billups has come the closest to winning an mvp award , but this team rises and falls with wallace
    纵观现在这支活塞,比卢普斯差一点就拿到常规赛的mvp ,但是整支活塞队却随着拉希德的状态而起伏。
  • With chauncey billups and deron williams having not shown to best advantage in las vegas , one of the most pressing needs for the 2008 u . s
  • " he ' s probably going to play in europe someplace next year , " chauncey billups said of his brother , who played the last three years at the university of denver
    “他可能下赛季去欧洲打球。 ”昌西说,他弟弟过去三年都在丹佛大学打球(这学校啥水平?召唤达人! )
  • Nba . com : chris paul isn ' t available this year , but it seems the us backcourt is pretty solid , with competition between you , chauncey billups and deron williams
  • The tournament also gives the coaching staff a chance to tinker with rotations and work newcomers such as kobe bryant , jason kidd and chauncey billups into the mix in live games
  • " we did what we were supposed to do , " said chauncey billups . " that team is obviously struggling , and we jumped on them . they kept fighting , but we won the game .
    “我们只是做了我们必须做的” ,比卢普斯说: “对手显然目前状态很差,我们不会手软,虽然他们有所反抗,但是我们还是取得了最终的胜利。 ”
  • If last season four of the five starters won a trip to the all star weekend festivities , this year it will be two at the most ( chauncey billups and possibly rip hamilton )
    如果说去年活塞有四名球员(虽然都是替补,是由桑德斯选的)参加了全明星周末(比卢普斯还参加了3分球) ,今年恐怕最多只能有两个了(比卢普斯,和应该是汉密尔顿) 。
  • If chicago is able to look at the exit optimistically , they ' ll take the loss as fodder for next year ' s playoffs in hopes that they ' ll get a second crack at chauncey billups , rip hamilton , and co
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